Available Miniature Poodle Puppies
Please fill out our application form if you are interested in any of the puppies below or simply apply to be on our EXPEDITED waitlist using our waitlist form if you wish to be contacted about future litters.
The prices reflected below does not include sales taxes. Sales Taxes for the state of TX is 8.25%
Poodles are classified into 3 sizes: Toy, Miniature and Standard. These sizes are measured by their height and not by their weight. Toy Poodles stand at 10 inches or less in height, Miniature Poodles between 10-15 inches and Standard Poodles above 15 inches. Contrary to popular belief there is not a “Teacup” size class and these are just small/tiny sized Toy Poodles.
Dark Apricot- Red Litter
Price: $3000
Aladdin– Rerserved for Osazia Iyamu
Georgette– Reserved for Suzette Street
Girl 4– Reserved for Tamico Little