Guardian Home Program
The Guardian Home Program is a program where we place puppies and young dogs in a home environment that will forever be their home ensuring their happiness and best start in life. The program has certain requirements and a short-term breeding contract that must be adhered to in order to qualify. The family of our choice will go home with a dog free of charge and will receive a monetary gift per litter (a litter defined as 3 or more puppies).

Requirements of A Guardian Home
In order to ensure safety and health, the following requirements are to be followed by the Guardian Home family.
- Own your home with a fenced backyard to contain the puppy with no plans to relocate in the next few years unless local, and be willing to adequately supervise puppy at all times while outside.
- Afford to provide required high-quality food
- Heartworm/tick/flea prevention, as well as regular vet checks, including vaccines.
- Be willing to crate and house train the puppy.
- Keep us updated on the dog’s progress via email, text or call.
- Have dog professionally groomed. Expense will be the responsibility of the Guardian.
- Be available to drive dog to and from our home or arrange pick up for breeding and whelping.
- Live within easy 90-mile driving distance to Dallas, Texas.
- Understand that we are waiving the purchase price of the dog in exchange for a service- you must be willing to communicate, cooperate and coordinate with us during their time in our program, and be dedicated to providing a safe, loving home for the lifetime of the dog.
What to Expect

What guidelines do I have to follow when raising the puppy or dog?
The family needs to feed one of the foods from the Premium Dog Food list we will provide. We are advocates of health nutrition for dogs, and for feeding foods that will not cause health issues down the road, like that of cancer, tumors or allergies, etc. The foods are easily found at most pet stores or online.
We ask the family to avoid all chemicals unless necessary, and to not give supplements or medicines unless approved by us.
If the dog becomes sick or injured, we need the family to notify us right away so we are involved in all decisions regarding the treatment of the dog. In many cases we can save the family a lot of money if it is a simple issue, and in other situations the treatment may need to be specific if the dog is going to be bred soon, or is pregnant.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age do you start breeding the dog?
As soon as the family is aware the dog is in heat in a cycle we need to be notified. We usually breed females on their second heat, which usually starts between 18 and 24 months. We will have them arranged to be transported to us by about day 5 of the heat cycle. She will remain with us for about one week and then return home. If preferred, the dog can stay with us for the entire heat cycle thereby avoiding the mess and stress of it or the dog may return here daily.
What happens during pregnancy and what do I have to do differently with the dog?
Pregnancy is actually very easy. The dog may act a little fatigued, or lacking in appetite for a few weeks. The last couple weeks of pregnancy she is usually becoming hungrier and sleeps more as time progresses. Otherwise, normal activity is typical and it is important to continue with walking the dog right up to the end. This helps during her delivery. Being in shape is always best. Normal play and romping and running during the first half of pregnancy is great. We suggest adding ¼ cup of yogurt or cottage cheese every other day and a raw egg twice a week during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy to give extra nutrition.
No chemicals may be given during pregnancy. We suggest no vaccinations, worming and heartworm during this time. If there is an illness or injury, we ask to be involved in determining how she is treated.
What happens when she is ready to have her puppies?
Your dog will return to us a week before she is due so she can settle in. Dogs are usually pregnant for 63 days give or take 3 days We will whelp and raise the pups and mom will come back home when the pups are 8 weeks old.
How long do you wait between breedings?
Guardians of females have to deal with several heat cycles and keeping their girl protected from unwanted males. Guardians of females will also have to be comfortable being away from their dog for an extended period of time (normally around 2-3 months each litter). The Guardian Family will need to learn the signs of a heat cycle and be willing to communicate, cooperate and coordinate with us to ensure a successful breeding.
Female dogs generally cycle every 6-10 months. As long as your dog is healthy and up to having a litter, we are very flexible as to when the breeding will be done but don’t want to wait more than a year between breedings unless there is a medical reason to do so. Current medical studies show that it is healthiest for the dogs to be bred back to back without skipping heat cycles. She will not be bred before 12 months of after 6 six years. Most females average 4-6 litters. We contract for up to 6 litters but our goal is no more than 4 litters. Sometimes we don’t breed at all. So, the number of litters depends on each individual case. We consider a litter 4 or more pups so if a mom has only one pup, we don’t count it as a litter. A female averages 4 litters in our program. If the puppies are exceptional quality there could be an extension.
The Guardian Home puppy or dog is part of the Guardian Home’s Family forever, while the breeding rights are retained by X-Designer Breeds for a set amount of time (each situation is slightly different so we prefer to work out specific details with each family on an individual basis.) Once the Guardian Dog has completed his/her breeding career, he/she will be spayed or neutered at our expense and the dog will remain a forever pet of their Guardian Family!
What if I have a male guardian dog?
Male guardian dogs are usually used for breeding after 12-18 months. We ask that you make your dog available for breeding. Most of our guardian boys aren’t used for breeding very often. A male dog will be in our home about 5-7 days for a mating and will return to his guardian home afterwards.
What happens if the puppy gets sick or injured while in the guardian home’s care?
While the dog is in your care and home, any illness or injury that happens is your financial responsibility, just as it would be if you had a non-guardian pet. We need to be involved in knowing what is going on and determining medications, but the family is responsible for those expenses. We have your dog’s best interest at heart so it is good to have us to consult with. If you are negligent and your dog is lost or dies when in your care, we will ask for you to be responsible for our financial loss, the cost of the dog had you purchased a non-guardian dog. If your dog is injured or dies and can no longer participate in the program and you were being responsible, we will not hold you liable for the loss.
What expenses does the guardian family pay for and what things does the breeder pay for?
The guardian home pays for any normal care items for the dog. Food, dishes, leashes, beds, normal vaccinations, wormings, preventative tick, flea and heartworm treatments, toys, etc.
The spaying or neutering surgery of a dog will be covered by us. This is usually about 2 months after her last litter of puppies is weaned or for male dogs before their sixth birthday (usually before).
We pay for all expenses related to health testing for breeding purposes, all breeding related expenses and litter expenses. All breeder dogs will go through initial testing at 1 1/2-2 years of age.
What happens if the dog doesn’t pass a health test like you want them to for becoming a breeding dog?
Our standards are very high. We adhere to the quality requirements of the CKC and AKC as well as our own. Remember, that breeding quality and pet quality are two different things. Just because a dog may not be the best breeding candidate doesn’t mean she/he isn’t the perfect pet.
What Are the Benefits of Being a Guardian Home?
A Guardian Family gets the very best that X-Designer Breeds has to offer. This means that we choose our breeding stock based on the best qualities that are outlined in our breed standard with temperament of course coming first. Another wonderful benefit Guardian Families is that their Guardian dog or puppy will be completely health tested by around 2 years of age at the expense of X-Designer Breeds prior to entering our breeding program at no cost to the Guardian Family. Our Guardian Families get to enjoy the excitement of being a part of our breeding program, and seeing the offspring of their very own Guardian dog be placed with families across the country bringing others the same joy and happiness that they have received from their Guardian dog!